FLUFFY FRIENDS characters I like to plush it! Personal and commissioned felt & plush characters. Character for Swiss Preschooler’s Health Study initiated by University of Zurich. Energy Guzzlers for Giessform Gnomes & cats for an exhibition at Dog & Pony. «Circus» for The Eggplant Collective «Circus» Detail «Good Memories» for The Eggplant Collective Making of «Good Memories» «Fetish» for The Eggplant Collective «Nightmares» for The Eggplant Collective «&» for Trösterei «Idols» for The Eggplant Collective «Poo» for The Eggplant Collective «Hasa» for an exhibition at Buro Discount «Krokoz» for an exhibition at Buro Discount «Miss Syl» for an exhibition at Buro Discount «Weihnachtswachtel» for an exhibition at Buro Discount «Laubkatze» for an exhibition at Bologna children’s book fair «Mega Usagi Endless Rainbow» «Vegetable Vampires» Previous Post Next Post Further Projects FIONA LOSINGER MOAI MIAO NETZWERK ZUKUNFTSORTE MASQUERADE NAPOLEONS REICHE BEUTE SPIRITS GLOBETROTTER MAGAZIN LETTERS IN LIMELIGHT FIMO FRIENDS PIONEER SPIRITS REINHARD GAMMENTHALER SABINE GRAESER MJ’S SWISS JAZZ ACTS FANTASTIC FAUNA SHANGHIGH TRÖSTEREI SECRET GARDEN MEGA USAGI RMX ZOODIACS POSTERS ESSLINGER VERLAG SNUFF DIE STADTKATZE INK BLOTS